Saying Goodbye to One of Our Own

FloToday was a sad day in our running community, as we farewelled one of our beloved members. A woman of great standing and even greater prominence. Not because she was loud or outspoken, in fact she was soft and quiet, but her very presence stood alone in its grandeur.  We all loved Flo.

On the outside, you would never know her insides were fighting a monster. Flo stood tall with her dignity in place and held tightly to the life she had left. Her many months of life after her diagnoses, ruthlessly defied the doctors three months expectancy. But that too was in her cheeky nature, no one was going to tell her how long she would live, that was up to her!

Even though being diagnosed with this dreaded disease, she would attend Park Run with vigour every time. She looked forward to coming and we adored seeing her. It was our mutual weekly therapy sessions together. As often as she could, she would be there striding around the picturesque lakes with her extended family.

11655419_10154075522039358_222577367_nYou see, this was no ordinary Lady; she shone from the inside out and radiated an energy of compassion and tenderness. Regardless of how she felt, she always offered a loving smile to everyone, even those she had yet to meet. Her kindness and selflessness was felt near and far.

Throughout her journey, we all became her extended family following the progress of her health closely. We all fell in love with her kind-hearted spirit and willed her to extend her battle a little longer. None of us wanted to let go. Her will was strong and she fought on and on. Family to Flo was everything and that is what she fought for. Saying goodbye was just not an option.

Toward the end, she felt constant pain and discomfort and yet she battled on through it all with grace. Three weeks ago I asked how she was doing and still with that huge smile on her face, she shared ‘Not very well at all.’ Not only was her body aching, but I am sure her heart was too. The scars on her heart were always kept polished; she knew they had shaped her into the merciful lady she had become.

11714471_10153072419462424_1486598034_nShe taught me many a life lesson without ever trying; her very nature was the teacher. She was resilient, with a gentle toughness in the face of adversity. She showed me the rollercoaster of life was normal, but it is how you ride it that matters. Fabulous Flo taught me to fight with courage and dignity and to love and laugh whenever possible.  And most importantly, she taught me how to tell naughty jokes with elegance.

Her life had meaning to so many and this was shown when her daughter Donella had shirts made up for us as a support team in her Mums honour. We wore them with pride in support of the fight for her life. We all become known as the ‘Fabulous Flo Fighters.’

11694255_791279464304039_150011666_nOn the weekend, many of our athletes participated in the Gold Coast Marathon. We wore our singlets with distinction knowing we were running with a piece of her heart in ours. There were scores of ‘Fabulous Flo’ shirts and many a meaningful tear was shed in honour of this special lady. Little did we know she had quietly slipped away the previous evening.

For us she was a true hero, she inspired many of us in a variety ways to make ourselves better and to make our lives matter. She motivated countless people to step out of their comfort zones and challenge themselves to do more and be more. Her love and kindness touched many hearts and her life was admired by all. She leaves a wonderful legacy we will all cherish and keep safe in our hearts.  We will carry on her legacy by living what she taught us.  She was pure love and sprinkled it where ever she went.

11057241_10205649794217194_6354377800726245911_nAfter attending the touching service today, I viewed a spectacular rainbow on my way home and without a doubt in my mind, I know it was sent by the one and only Fabulous Flo. From up in heaven, she is still gracing us with her beauty and presence.

We thank you Flo, for sharing the gift of your life with us.

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