Welcome to my World – and into my mind

pink runnersI have created this space to share my crazy journey into the world of running. For me running was always a quick easy way to keep fit, but I ALWAYS found it hard work. Being fit and healthy has always been a part of my lifestyle but my exercise of choice was usually netball, gym work or aerobics DVDs in front of the TV. Some days it was simply walking.

As a child, even though I had some athletic ability, I found running so boring and anti-social. That is why I loved the team sports, more friends to talk to. These days as I have become a Mother, my lifestyle has changed dramatically – as all you Mums out there can attest to.

Although I previously jogged around for a bit, I really only started running about two and a half years ago. And I must say that was because of my kids, not through my desire to actually run. They both showed a keen interest in their Cross Country at school, so we signed them up to a six run series. I boldly stated to my husband, “If they can do it, so can we,” so we signed up as a family. Oh My God, what had I done? This was indeed going to test my determination.

There were many distances to choose from and I decided on the shortest one possible – the 3km, wondering how I was ever going to make the distance. My goal for the first race was to get over the line without walking, no matter how long it took me. I was determined to be a good role model for my kids and show them (and me) I could do it. It was only a small goal, but at the time, it was huge for me. I was petrified, but I wanted to see I could set a goal and achieve it. And this is where it all began……..

These days I still take the same philosophy, I set a goal and work to achieve it.  I push myself much harder now than then, but the action is the still same. Set a goal, put in the work to attain it and set another goal.  I have always been intrigued by how the body works and what it can achieve. I have a background in massage and personal training and although I did these for a short time working with others, ultimately it was for me to understand my body better and how it functions. The human body has fascinated me since I was child.

10155243_275512162624823_4669225360787733320_nSo today, pushing the limits to see exactly what my body can do, I set the bar much higher.  It is certainly a work in progress and I must say, there are days when I question my very existence as a runner, especially when the pain of the disappointments hit. Then there are days I accomplish more than I ever dreamed and possess such pride in my success and little by little, I gain more belief in my ability. I find myself swimming in the alluring emotion of my triumphs.

Running teaches me countless lessons I can apply to all areas of life; the ups, the downs and how to navigate my way through them – sometimes with dignity, sometimes with an intense lack of decorum. I am definitely still learning. I am a student in the craft and hope to be for a long time to come. So jump on board, strap yourself in and come along for the ride into my world and my mind.


6 thoughts on “Welcome to my World – and into my mind

  1. It’s such a pleasure being part of your journey…seeing you achieving all you have since I have kniwn you is inspirational. It’s a joy running with you too…

    Great blog too!!!


  2. Hi Dee, what a great idea , running or jogging has changed my life for the better , I’ve always thought it was boring and could never understand why my dad would spend hours pounding the pavement both here and the UK , I’m glad I finally got inspired and although there are struggles with the mind and body , I always would see people out jogging and think , how can they run like that chatting and not get out of breath .
    I now regard myself as truly blessed to be part of our great running community and have met some truly amazing people who have become great friends


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